If you’ve spent a lifetime growing your personal wealth, it’s important to safeguard your business and personal assets by setting up a trust. In addition to asset protection, trusts also provide tax-saving and wealth-creation benefits. Our team of friendly accountants can help you better understand your personal and business risks and we’ll make sure that you have the right structures in place to protect yourself legally and financially from any potential legal action. Trust and asset protection can also lead to better tax and financial outcomes.

Safeguard Your Business and Personal Assets with a Trust
Family trusts ensure that you can manage, protect and pass on family assets (including businesses) from one generation to another.
Business Trust
There are numerous types of trusts that may be established for a business and they are used to prevent financial loss from lawsuits.
Testamentary Trust
These are established according to instructions in a will; assets are held in trust and distributed according to the conditions of the deceased.
A Proven Recipe for Success
Initial Consultation
Our first meeting is all about getting to know each other better. We’ll ask about your business (if you have one) and assess the structures you already have in place for your company or personal finances.
Transfer of Files
Once we’ve agreed to work together we will arrange for your financial details and associated files to be transitioned onto our system. We’ll also arrange for access to your software packages and to the ATO system.
Follow Up Meeting
This is a more in-depth discussion to define your personal and business goals, and discuss how we can help you achieve them. We’ll also drill down into more detail about any specific areas we can assist you with.
Ongoing Management
Once we have your instructions, we’ll get to work, regularly checking in with you to keep you updated as to how everything is progressing. Your feedback is an invaluable part of this relationship-building process.
Process Step Number One Title
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Process Step Two Title is Descriptive
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet tortor in tellus fermentum sagittis. Ut consequat lorem vitae orci ullamcorper, id rhoncus ipsum consequat. Sed sodales erat at dui vehicula, elementum faucibus massa sagittis bibendum diam.
Third Process Step Focus on Clients
Amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet tortor in tellus fermentum sagittis. Ut consequat lorem vitae orci ullamcorper, id rhoncus ipsum consequat. Sed sodales erat at dui vehicula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Tell Us What the Experience Will Be
Morbi laoreet tortor in tellus fermentum sagittis. Ut consequat lorem vitae orci ullamcorper, id rhoncus ipsum consequat. Sed sodales erat at dui vehicula, elementum faucibus massa sagittis bibendum diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.